Name: Adult Damselfish
Description: Fanny pack
Origin: Madagascar Sea
Features: 100% cotton, waterproof
Strap measurements: from 81 cm (smallest) to 111 cm (biggest)
Size: 19,5 x 42 cm (19,5 x 35,5 cm usable space)
Weight: 81 g
Colour: Green
Diseño español
Hecho en España.
Name: Sole
Origin: Atlantic Galician and Portuguese coasts
Features: 100% cotton
Size: 29 x 12 cm (23 x 12 cm usable space)
Weight: 24 g
Colour: Green
Diseño español
Hecho en España.
Name: Small Piranha Origin: Amazonas
Features: 100% cotton
Size: 18.5 cm x 10.5 cm (14 cm x 10 cm usable space)
Weight: 15 g (purse), 19 g (keychain)
Option: Purse or keychain
Colour: Lilac
Diseño español
Hecho en España
Name: Green Sweeper fishOrigin: Madagascar sea
Features: 100% cotton, waterproof
Size: 20 x 9 cm ( 15,5 x 9 cm usable space)
Weight: 15 g (purse), 19 g (keychain)
Option: Purse or keychain
Colour: Green
Diseño español
Hecho en España.